Friday 22 August 2014


          User Defined Property(UDP)  is a property that is defined when you construct a message flow by using the message flow editor.

          This property is used by the ESQL or JAVA program inside the message flow nodes, such as compute node.
          UDP is a configurable property defined on the message flow itself. UDP helps us to creating custom variables of which the values can be changed with out re-touching the code.

Note:- set at run time to dynamically change the behavior of the message flow.

         The advantage of UDP is that their values can be changed by operational staff(production) at deployment in run-time.  you do not need to change your application programs or with out having to change the code at the message flow node level.

UDP defined at 3 levels:-

1. In ESQL/JAVA code :-   Define User Defined Properties  in ESQL by using a DECLARE statement                                                   with the EXTERNAL keyword.
syntax:-       DECLARE  broker  EXTERNAL  CHARACTER;

2.Message flow editor's TAB:- You also have the option of defining & giving initial values to same user defined properties. use the User Defined Properties tab at the bottom of the Edit window.

Thursday 21 August 2014



 Configurable services or typically run-time properties. you can use them to define  properties that are related to external services on which the broker relies; for example an SMTP server or a JMS providers.

      Instead defining properties on the node or message flow, you can create configurable services so that Nodes and Message flows can refer to them to find properties at run time.

      If you use this method, you can change the values of attributes for a configurable service on the broker, which then effects the behavior of a NODE or Message Flow with out the need for re deployment.

Commands for creating CONFIGURABLE SERVICES  through command console:

1. mqsicreateconfigurableservice :- to create configurable service.

2.mqsideleteconfigurableservice :- to delete configurable service.


mqsicreateconfigurableservice  brokername  -c (configurable service) -o (object name) -n (property name)                                                  -v(property value)