Saturday 11 January 2014

Broker schema Development

Creating a broker schema

To organize your message flow project resources, and to define the scope of resource names to ensure uniqueness, you can create broker schemas. A default schema is created when you create the message flow project, but you can create additional schemas.
Before you start:
Complete the following steps.
To create a broker schema:
  1. Switch to the Broker Application Development perspective.
  2. Click File > New > Broker Schema or right-click any resource in the Broker Development view and click New > Broker Schema.
    You can also press Ctrl+N. This displays a dialog that allows you to select the wizard to create a new object. Click Message Brokers in the left view. The right view displays a list of objects that you can create for WebSphere® Message Broker. Click Broker Schema in the right view, then click Next. The New Broker Schema wizard displays.
  3. Enter the message flow project in which you want the new schema to be created. If a message flow project or one of its resources is highlighted when you start the wizard, that project name appears in the dialog box. If a name does not appear in this field, or if you want to create the schema in another project, click Browse and select the correct project from the displayed list. The message flow project list is filtered to show projects in the active working set.
    You can type the project name in, but you must enter a valid name. The dialog box displays a red cross and the error message The specified project does not exist if your entry is not a valid project. You must specify a message flow project; if you select a message set project, you cannot complete the operation.
  4. Enter a name for the schema. Choose a name that reflects the resources that it contains. For example, if you want to use this schema for message flows for retail applications, you might give it the name Retail.
    A broker schema name must be a character string that starts with a Unicode character followed by zero or more Unicode characters or digits, and the underscore symbol (_). You can use the period to provide a structure to the name, for example Stock.Common.
  5. Click Finish to complete the task.
    If category view is selected in the Broker Development view when you create the schema, you see a message to say that the schema has been created, but it might not be visible in the Broker Development view when it is empty. To show the new schema in the Broker Development view, click Hide Categories The Hide Categories toolbar icon on the Broker Development view toolbar.
The schema directory is created in the project directory. If the schema name is structured by using periods, further subdirectories are defined. For example, the broker schema Stock.Common results in a directory Common, in directory Stock, in the message flow project directory.

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